Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 11

For those who did not copy the chicken foot regarding last night's question. 

For students taking the regents tomorrow. Please review the US History packet and continue to answer the multiple choice question for the different periods in US History. 

Click on the link below. The right side of the column are the answers and explanations. 


Students staying behind with Ms. Yip, you must bring back the permission slip allowing you to attend the educational trip. You can click and print the permission slip if you lost it. It was handed out in class today. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10

Homework: Please click on the link and complete the questions. Included are the answers on the links below. 

Progressive Era Multiple choice questions:

Answers and Explanations

World War I Multiple choice questions:

Answers and Explanations

What impact does the Great War have on American neutrality and the formation of the "League of Nations"? Please answer in one paragraph.

Friday, August 7, 2015

August 7

For the students finishing their test and didn't copy the notes. 
The picture above is what was covered. 

Please review the packet given in class. The packet will take us from the Industrial Era to the Great Depression. Please familiarize yourself with the terms in BOLD.

Homework: Please complete the multiple choice questions regarding the Gilded Age. Click onto the link and write down your answers on a separate piece of paper.

Below are the answers to the Gilded Age multiple choice questions. Please check your answers and read the explanations for clarification.

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Thursday, August 6, 2015

August 6

Homework: Please complete the hand out given at the end of the day--"The Age of the Railroads & Big Business and Labor." Please complete the graphic organizers and questions included in the packet.

Please continue to review the US History Vocabulary List and Review packet. You guys are doing great!
PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Monday, August 3, 2015

August 3

Homework: Please answer the following question in 3 paragraphs--How might Lincoln have handled reconstruction had he survived to serve his second term?

Also, complete the June 15, 2015 US History Regents--if you experience please come to class with questions.

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July 28



Homework: Please complete the handout regarding Emancipation Proclamation (WH questions and multiple choice)

Also, writing assignment:
Complete Venn Diagram between Declaration of Independence and Gettysburg Address. Then write 3 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting the 2 documents.

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 28

Homework: Please complete the internet scavenger hunt below.

 Or click on the link

AND complete the additional handout (please read and answer the questions)


PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27

There is a lot of material to cover regarding The Civil War. Please click on the link above to get more information about the battle between the North and South.

Please read the hand out about Abraham Lincoln and view the videos below. 

Write 3 paragraphs/reasons to the following writing prompt:
Abraham Lincoln opposed slavery in his personal life but was willing to allow it if it kept the union intact. DO you believe that he was a good leader or pandered to voters to get re-elected? EXPLAIN. 

Also, please become familiar with the multiple choice questions regarding the Civil War by clicking onto the hyperlink below.

Additional Resources and Study Aids for the Regents:

Explanations to the questions:

Review DBQ testing taking strategies:

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 


Friday, July 24, 2015

July 24

All the timelines above share the same information but they 
are displayed differently. Please view each timeline and read the information included. **Become familiar with the events and people involved so you will be able to draw connections from pass and future lessons in class.**

Please read the link below to be able to complete the homework assignment. 

Please read the link below. We will start talking about him on Monday. 

Homework: Please complete the Venn diagram comparing Fredrick Douglas and John Brown. 

Then transfer the information write 3 paragraph essay comparing the two influential figures (Fredrick Douglas and John Brown) during the Civil War Era. 

**All information /materials are handed out in class.
Please take all materials with you before leaving class. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR WORK.**
PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 23

Missouri Compromise--In the years leading up to the Missouri Compromise of 1820, tensions began to rise between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions within the U.S. Congress and across the country. They reached a boiling point after Missouri’s 1819 request for admission to the Union as a slave state, which threatened to upset the delicate balance between slave states and free states. To keep the peace, Congress passed an amendment that drew an imaginary line across the former Louisiana Territory, establishing a boundary between free and slave regions that remained the law of the land until it was negated by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.

Wilmot Proviso--Bill that would ban slavery in the terroritories acquired after the War with Mexico.

Another effort to settle the disagreements between free states and slave states. 

Please click on the link below:

Additional Resources and Study Aids for the Regents:

Explanations to the questions:

Review DBQ testing taking strategies:

  1. Please complete the worksheet titled "The Divisive Politics of Slavery" 
  2. Fill in chicken foot organizer (main idea & 3 supporting details) then expanding to a 3 paragraph.
TOPIC: The North/South had opposing views on the issue of slavery. For the most part, the North wanted it to end and the South wanted to expand. Politicians argued. Which side would you have agreed with? North or South? Explain in 3 paragraph essay. 

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

July 22

Fredrick Douglass--Escaped slave who became an abolitionist leader

William Lloyd Garrison--Abolitionist Leader
Leader of a violent slave rebellion

Please click on the link below:

Additional Resources and Study Aids for the Regents:

Explanations to the questions:

Review DBQ testing taking strategies:


  1. Please complete the worksheet titled "Slavery and Abolition." 
  2. Fill in chicken foot organizer (main idea & 3 supporting details) then expanding to a 3 paragraph.
TOPIC: The ideals expressed in the Constitution (Liberty, Freedom, & Democracy) were is sharp contrast to the institution of slavery.  A movement called Abolitionism developed to end slavery because a segment of society was opposed to it. Explain if you feel they were justified or not opposition o slavery--3 paragraph/3 reasons.

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 21

Please continue to review the US History packet and create your flashcards of all important terms highlighted in the packet and class. 

Please click on the link to understand how Document-Based Questions (DBQ) are scored and how you should approach this part of the regents. Click on 

Also, please complete the two hand outs titled "Religion Sparks Reform" and "Slavery and Abolition" for homework--answer/ fill in all graphic organizers and questions included in the handouts.

Be prepared to participate in class. We are at the mid-way mark of the summer. 

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Monday, July 20, 2015

July 20


Expansion in Texas:
Please view the video Westward Expansion 
Complete the handout given out during the last period of class. 

The War with Mexico:
Please view the video Mexican American War
Complete the handout given out during the last period of class. 

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

July 20--Parent Support

Friday, July 17, 2015

July 17


Please complete the following:

  1. Age of Jackson Handout
  2. The Journeyman's Dilemma (Answer all the questions in the middle of the page)
  3. Write 5-7 sentence paragraph comparing/contrasting Jackson and other presidents. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 16

Today's Lesson:

  1. Review of key terms in US History regents
  2. Exam of the first unit in US History.

Please complete the multiple choice questions regarding Age of Jackson and complete the handout/worksheets on Age of Jackson. 

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July 15

Today's Lesson:

  1. Function of graphic organizers (Venn Diagram and T-chart: how are they similar and different?)
  2. Political cartoons (For example the two below)

3. The War of 1812
4. Multiple choice question regarding the Colonial Era

  1. Complete the handout on War 1812--the two pages below are the pages slight cut off due to our copy machine (pg. 72-73)

2. Review the terms/vocabulary for tomorrow's test. 
Please look at the US History Vocabulary List to find the terms and review all the class work and handouts given out thus far. 

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 14

Today's Lesson:
  1. Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist
  2. Alexander Hamilton vs. Thomas Jefferson

  1. Please complete the Venn Diagram if you did not complete it in class.
  2. Please complete the multiple choice questions relating to the topic discussed today. 

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 


Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13

Please click on the link to view a summary of the Articles of Confederation. 

Please click to view the Bills of Rights. Here is the simplified version. Please click on the link below. This was handout in class today.

Please click to view the Constitution
Here is the simplified version. Please click on the link http://www2.waketech.edu/blogs/elcivics/files/2011/03/summary-of-the-US-Constitution.pdf

Checks & Balance 


  1. Please read and complete the worksheets handed out in class today. 
  2. Please complete the multiple choice questions for the Formation of Government in US History

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 
comments. Also, feel free to call the school. 
Ask for Mr. Shepard/Ms. Yip. 

(212) 477-2090